British Sign Language Recognition March And Rally, London - July 2000

This photo shows staff and members of Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People’s Young Disabled People’s Forum being interviewed by the media.
The photo shows the group at the rally on 8 July in Trafalgar Square, London, following a march calling for the recognition of British Sign Language as an official language. A campaign which spanned the late 1990s and early 2000s. BSL was finally recognised as a language in March 2003.
Identified people in the group being interviewed: Elliot Thompson (wheelchair user in a green jumper) and GMCDP workers Audrey Stanton (in a light blue shirt) and to her right Maureen Day. At the back is GMCDP member Mike Marrow.
A colour photo.
There are buildings in the background with the iconic lion statues. A large group of people are milling around.
In the foreground is a TV crew interviewing a group of disabled people.
Left to right: someone holding a boom microphone over the interviewees, a camera operator and camera plus others sitting, standing and crouching. 7 People are in the group being interviewed. Including: Elliot Thompson, a wheelchair user in a green jumper, GMCDP workers Audrey Stanton, in a light blue shirt and to her right Maureen Day.