Anti-austerity March, Manchester - 2015

This photo shows part of an anti-austerity march on 4 October 2015. After years of austerity cuts to support and services, a march and rally including trade unions, voluntary sector organisations and many members of the public was held in Manchester to coincide with the start of the Tory Party Conference. Disabled people took part in this march.
Recognisable people
Ruth Malkin holding the placard ‘Disabled Extremist and Proud’; to the left of Ruth and nearer to the camera is Maggie Griffiths’ head. To the right of Maggie is Janet Taylor. To the left of Maggie is Judy Sutherland holding a banner.
A colour photo of a crowd of marchers with their backs to the camera. There are two large banners visible being held in the air.
The banner on the left is green with ‘Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People’ in white block capitals. At the bottom is a black square surrounding a red wheelchair user holding up a banner with ‘GMCDP 1985’ in blue block capitals in a yellow square on the left, and a yellow square with the numbers ‘201’ of 2015 visible in blue.
To the right and behind is a larger red banner saying ‘York and District TUC’. The words York and TUC are in yellow, and district is in smaller white block capitals.
Ruth Malkin is holding a placard high in the air saying ‘Disabled extremist and proud’ in title case, white background with alternating purple and green text.