Flyer: Call to Action Live Independently - 1993
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Flyer: Call to Action Live Independently - 1993

Image of flyer, Call To Action for the Live Independently rally, Manchester, 1993


This flyer is advertising a rally on 5 May 1993 in Manchester. GMCDP members took to the streets to protest about the introduction of a ceiling on community care costs. The new measures meant that anyone whose care cost more than £500 would be forced into an institution. Over 8,000 names were collected on petitions and over 40 people turned out for the rally. Note: the flyer has been lightened to make it easier to see on this website.


The flyer is portrait oriented on A5 red paper.

The text is: Disabled People’s Rally in Support of the Right to Live Independently takes place at 12 noon on Wednesday 5th May at Albert Square, Manchester.

A new Bill, currently passing through Parliamentary committees, will establish a £500 limit for spending on personal support for disabled people. Clients with greater needs than this, the DSS says, would be "expected to go into residential care or a nursing home"!

In other words... £499 is the price of freedom, £501 is the cost which punishes the disabled person by incarceration in an institution.

Please Try to Attend This Event - it is crucial to the rights of disabled people. More details? Contact Ian Stanton on 061-273 5154 Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People, Unit 33, Cariocca Business Park, Ardwick, Manchester M12 4AH.