Commemorative Stamps: International Year of Disabled People 1981
The United Nations set 1981 as the International Year of Disabled People. These commemorative stamps, sold by Royal Mail, were designed by John Gibbs
A presentation wallet of stamps. On the left, the outside of the wallet has a brown background with white writing: ‘The International Year of Disabled People 1981’ next to a wheelchair symbol, with ‘British Post Office Mint Stamps’ in smaller print beneath.
There are 4 stamps. All stamps are colour illustrations with a silhouetted silver image of the Queen’s head and the price in the top right corner.
14p. A yellow Labrador guide dog with the bottom half of their owner showing behind. They are walking from right to left of the stamp.
18p. 4 sets of 2 hands. Each set of hands making one letter in British Sign Language spelling the word Deaf.
22p. The bottom half of a manual wheelchair user pushing themselves up a slight incline.
25p. A foot holding a brush between its toes painting a rainbow.