Pride by Johnny Crescendo

Main instrument is electric guitar
by Johnny Crescendo
Pride is something in your soul
Pride is somewhere you are in control
Pride is the peace within that finally makes you whole
Celebrate your difference with pride
Pride in yourself is bound to set you free
Pride in who you are, a person just like me
Pride and self-respect and gentle dignity
No one can take away your pride
Pride can make you strong
Pride's the key that unlocks the doors
to the rooms where we belong
Pride is our destiny and where we all came from
Turn around embrace your pride
Pride can make you equal without your liberty
Pride can give its freedom to a prisoner like me
Pride is always with you wherever you may be
Once won you'll never lose your pride
Pride is a rocky road that's straight and doesn't bend
Pride's a path you follow
Pride's your closest friend
Pride's the source inside your heart
from which you can draw strength
Begin all your journeyings with pride
Pride's the bond between us. Pride's the bridge we burn
Pride's the victory, the battle, from which we shall return
Pride's the spark of fire within, the crucible, the germ
The seed of our power is our pride
Pride, pride, pride