British Council of Disabled People Annual Review 2005 / 2006
BCODP’s Annual review. Note: although a word document, not easily accessible with screen reader.
Published by British Council of Disabled People (BCODP) – 2006.
Donated by Brian Hilton.
BCODP Annual Review 2005-6 (standard print Word document)
Jan’s Story
A fictitious story, in photo format, based on research carried out with learning disabled lesbian, gay and bisexual people. The project was funded by the Big Lottery and carried out as a partnership between the Norah Fry Research Centre, University of Bristol, the Terrance Higgins Trust and REGARD (the national organisation of disabled lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people).
Donated by Brian Hilton.
Published by Norah Fry Research Centre - 2005.
‘Jan’s Story’, (easy read photo story)
Horn of Africa Disabled Society Constitution
The Constitution of the Horn of Africa Disabled Society – an organisation in Manchester of disabled person, or parent or carer of a disabled child, from the Horn of Africa countries of Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya.
Published by Horn of Africa Disabled Society - 2005
Donated by Brian Hilton.
Horn of Africa Disabled Society Constitution 2005 (standard print Word document)
Coalition magazine, Rainbow edition, May 2006, Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People
Coalition, the official magazine of the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People, aims to act as a forum for debate, analysis, and expression of opinion on all issues relating to disabled people. This issue focussed on LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) issues.
Published by Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) - May 2006.
Coalition - Rainbow Edition - (text only Word document)
Disability Challenge May 1981, Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation
The occasional magazine of UPIAS.
Published by Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation (UPIAS) – May 1981.
Electronic copy donated by Tony Baldwinson.
Disability Challenge No1 (standard print screen-reader accessible PDF)
Fundamental Principles of Disability, Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation
A seminal paper within the Disabled People’s Movement and beyond. Including the concept of the Social Model of Disability before it was given that name.
Electronic copy donated by Tony Baldwinson.
Published by Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation (UPIAS) and Disability alliance (DA) - 22 November 1975.
Fundamental Principles of Disability (standard print screen-reader accessible PDF)
Disabled Persons Discretionary Parking Permit
The disabled persons discretionary parking permit, which used to be called the Orange Badge, is what came before the current permit, known as the Blue Badge. It is used to show that someone is entitled to park in a designated parking space or other on-street parking.
A disabled persons discretionary parking permit inside a plastic wallet. The permit is on orange coloured card. All writing is in black block capitals. Description from top to bottom.
Top left is a small silver hologram image of a wheelchair user.
Top right has ‘GB’ inside a white oval.
Underneath the hologram are the words
‘is personally entitled to parking concessions under the terms of the orange badge scheme’.
‘until 3rd April 1999. Issued by Wigan MBC, serial number G.7487.’
‘Misuse of this badge may constitute a criminal offence’
T-shirt: BCODP DPI
This T-shirt is from joint work between the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People (BCODP) and Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI).
A white T-shirt. In the centre is a red stylised globe surrounded by 7 broken red stripes stretching outwards in different directions. Wrapped around the edges of the stripes are the words ‘Disabled Peoples International’ in black block capitals. Over the top of this image are the letters b c o d p in overlapping green lower-case letters.
The words ‘British Council of Organisations’ are above the image. Words ‘of Disabled People’ are below
Badge: Free Our People - DAN
This badge was designed and used for the Disabled People’s Direct Action Network (DAN) ‘Free Our People’ campaign, which was launched in 1999. The campaign highlighted the fact that many disabled people were still forced to live in residential homes because of a lack of accessible housing, personal assistance and other support.
A white badge. In the middle is a black stick figure with their hands raised in the air breaking free of chains.
‘Free Our People’ is in black block capitals above the image.
‘DAN’ is in black block capitals below the image.
Banner: Save the Independent Living Fund.
Made with cotton and felt, the banner was designed by Brian Hilton and hand-made by Wadiha Ahmed in 2014. It was used extensively in the ‘Save the Independent Living Fund’ campaign. This photo shows the banner being held up by protestors outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London.
Landscape colour photo of the ‘Save the ILF’ banner being lifted into the air at a protest.
The banner is bright blue, approximately 5ft or 150cm wide, 3ft or 90cm tall.
‘Save the Independent Living Fund’ is in the middle of the banner in large yellow block capitals.
The top left corner has ‘Inclusion London’ in black and purple writing inside a lilac oblong.
The top right corner has ‘GMCDP’ in green block capitals inside a black oblong.
The bottom left corner has ‘DPAC’ in white block capitals inside a black triangle.
The bottom right corner has a black stick figure holding up a placard inside a red oblong.