Central Library Showcase Exhibition, October 2024 - January 2025
Home > Disabled People’s History > Central Library Showcase Exhibition, October 2024 – January 2025

Central Library Showcase Exhibition, October 2024 - January 2025

The Disabled People’s Archive is currently holding an exhibition at Manchester Central Library in the display cases on the ground floor near the café. This is to celebrate UK Disability History Month and to showcase all the hard work we have done in the past few years on the project.

We have 14 cases labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N. In total we have 63 items, all of which are numbered with a corresponding paragraph of information in our programme which you can find below. We will also have roaming copies in the exhibition space. 

We are using this showcase as an experiment of how to host an exhibition in the most accessible way possible in a space we can't control, so that we can help design future exhibitions and displays in a way that works for disabled people. One way we have done this is by having programmes available online for those who may not be able to make it to the library to see the exhibition in person. We have created programmes in accessible formats as well as having scans and images of what is in the exhibition space. 

We also have content available on the digital screens in the library. These are touchscreens with options to click through our photograph collection. Each photograph has it's unique catalogue number and alt-text description. We have a document containing all the alt-text. 

Click on these titles below to be taken to the programmes and accessible content: 

Standard 14pt - Programme (Word Doc) 

Standard 14pt - Programme (PDF) 

Large Print 18pt - Programme (Word Doc)

Large Print 18pt - Programme (PDF) 

Easier to Read - Programme (Word) 

Easier to Read - Programme (PDF) 


Photographs for Showcase Exhibition (PDF)

Photograph Alt Text Standard 14pt (Word Doc) 


To view scans of any of the items mentioned, please contact archive@gmcdp.com