Tag: "transcript"

On Being Special
Poem written and performed by Sue Napolitano. On Being Special We cannot afford To admit To being special. For us the word Has been loaded with chains, Has been made into a prison Or zoo Where voyeurs peer through The bars At our antics To be special is to be gawped at With horror and glee As... read more »

Plastic Spastic
Song written and performed by The Tokens. Plastic Spastic Plastic spastics on the street angel faces look so sweet. An image of passivity it’s all for charity. I’ve always known there’ll come a day patronage will cease, then we’ll get some peace, and that we will find a way to smash those... read more »

Poster Child
Song written by Brian Hilton, performed by Brian Hilton, Leigh Stirling and Mat Frazer. Poster Child (Talking at start) Brian: It was me, I went to the wrong chord sorry boys. Leigh: It's OK mate, like I have got CP don't you know.. Mat (pretends to... read more »

Pride by Johnny Crescendo
Main instrument is electric guitar Pride by Johnny Crescendo Pride is something in your soul Pride is somewhere you are in control Pride is the peace within that finally makes you whole Celebrate your difference with pride Pride in yourself is bound to set you free Pride in who you are,... read more »

Rights Not Charity
Song written and performed by The Fugertivs. Rights Not Charity Are you ready Steve? A, a. Andy? a, a, a. Nick? a, aa? Alright then, let’s gooooo! 1, 2, 3, 4. You rattle your tin to make money for me, and every November you’re on the TV havin’ fun while your voice oozes... read more »

Rollin’ Thunder by Ian Stanton
song written and performed by Ian Stanton Rollin’ Thunder Rollin’ thunder, growin’ stronger. Rollin’ thunder, how much longer? Rollin’ thunder, growin’ stronger. Rollin’ thunder, how much longer? You feel a rumblin’, it’s comin’ through the land. Get to feel your... read more »

Rowdy Proud
Song written and performed by The Tokens. Rowdy Proud Shooby dooby dooby doo bop bop du shooby dooby, Shooby dooby dooby doo bop bop shoo dyke, Baa baa, shoo bop doo lesi lesi, baa baa, shoo bop doo dyke. Disabled dykes come in all shapes and sizes we’re everywhere,... read more »

Rules & Boundaries by Clair Lewis (now Mx Dennis Queen)
Song written and performed by Clair Lewis now Mx Dennis Queen. Rules & Boundaries your rules and boundaries are inaccessible to me I will try my best, but it's hard to do what I don't 'get' it just makes no sense to me just makes no sense to me all it's... read more »

Takin’ Liberties
Song written and performed by Ian Stanton. Takin’ Liberties Some people call me a rebel, Some people call me a red, One time I'd lie awake and worry Just exactly what it was I'd said. I may be older, I may be wiser, but these days I sleep peaceful... read more »

Those Who Came Before by Leigh Stirling
Song written and performed by Leigh Stirling. Those Who Came Before Put your cards on the table Put a tiger in your eyes Put a fire in your belly Burn your disguise. You got an army at your shoulder You got a book upon the shelf You got a wall... read more »